Last week (11 -16 October 2021) CRIRSCO hosted its Annual General Meeting (AGM), when representatives from all 14 National Reporting Organizations got together with invited strategic partners for a balance of their activities in the year, technical discussions along their standards and strategic alignment on next steps. The last two days were dedicated to sessions with delegations from 10 new countries presenting their progress for future membership.

The aim of CRIRSCO (Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards) is to contribute to earning and maintaining trust in the mineral industry by promoting high standards of reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. The key principles of Transparency, Materiality and Competence form the pillars of a system for better Mineral Resource Management, bringing value to all stakeholders: governments, companies, professionals, and the society in general.

CRIRSCO has a strategic partnership with the ICMM (the International Council on Mining & Metals), that provides some funding and administrative support to CRIRSCO.

  • The AGM also confirmed the CRIRSCO Executive for 2022. The new Executive takes up its role from 1 January 2022.
  • Chairperson, Edson Ribeiro (Comissao Brasileira de Recursos e Reservas – CBRR Brasil)
  • Deputy Chairperson, Garth Kirkham (CIM Canada)
  • Past Chairperson, Ken Lomberg (SAMREC South Africa)
  • Secretary, Wilfredo Lopez (Colombian Commission of Mineral Resources and Reserves – CCRR Colombia)
  • Treasurer, Peter Stoker (JORC Australasia)

Chairperson Ken Lomberg particularly thanked Neil Wells, retiring Past Chairperson from PERC, and retiring Secretary, Sergio Vicencio from Comision Minera, Chile for their contributions to CRIRSCO.